How to prepare your house for a storm

Once you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family in a storm, it is time to turn your attention to preparing your home for a storm. Taking the proper precautions can help minimize the risk of serious damage to your property during severe weather.

Here are some tips from us at ACU Insurance Services on how to prepare your home for a storm in the League City, TX area:

  1. Check Your Roof – Ensure that shingles and other materials are secure and free from rot or decay.
  2. Clear Gutters & Downspouts – Be sure to clear debris from gutters and downspouts before storms.
  3. Trim Trees & Shrubs – Trim overgrown trees and shrubs to reduce the risk of branches breaking during high winds.
  4. Cover Windows & Doors – Secure shutters or plywood to windows and doors before the storm arrives.
  5. Secure Outdoor Objects – Move outdoor furniture, grills, and other items inside before a storm hits.
  6. Unplug Electronics – Unplug appliances and electronics that lightning strikes or power surges could damage.
  7. Check Insurance Coverage – Ensure you are adequately covered for any damage caused by severe weather.

By taking the necessary steps to prepare your home for a storm, you can help protect it from serious damage. These simple precautions you can take now will save time and money. Don’t wait until severe weather arrives — start preparing today! If you need assistance with any of these tasks or want more information about protecting yourself from storms best, contact us at ACU Insurance Services today. We proudly serve the League City, TX area.