To make the best insurance choices, you need accurate insurance information. At ACU Insurance Services, serving League City, TX, and the surrounding areas, we aim to help clients understand the difference between insurance facts and myths. Let’s look at a few myths surrounding flood insurance.
Myth- Flood Insurance Is Included In All Homeowner’s Policies
This is not the case. Most homeowners’ policies do not cover naturally occurring flooding. Most policies will cover interior flooding resulting from plumbing problems or appliance issues. This is a very different type of flooding from naturally occurring flooding, which takes place outside the home and is often the result of a weather event.
Myth- Everyone Needs Flood Insurance
This is also not true. Many homeowners live in areas with such a minimal risk of flooding that it is not even recommended to carry flood insurance. However, the only way to determine if you fall into this category is to sit down with an insurance expert who can discuss your actual flood risk for your area. These professionals will have detailed and up-to-date data concerning flood risks for different properties.
Myth- Renters Arent’ Eligible For Flood Insurance
This is untrue. Renters can and should purchase flood insurance to protect their personal belongings housed in a rental property. This is especially true if you rent in an area with a high flood risk.
To learn more about flood insurance, please get in touch with us at ACU Insurance Services, serving League City, TX, and the surrounding areas. We will be happy to answer your questions today.