You are probably at the stage of buying home insurance for your home, and you are confused. We understand the confusion. With lots of information about home insurance — some genuine others false — you definitely can’t separate the chaff from the grains.
Home insurance is a tricky topic, and if you are misinformed, you will be relying on the wrong myths when buying the insurance. Luckily, at ACU Insurance Services of League City, TX, we are here to debunk common home insurance going around.
Home insurance policy covers flood damage
Your standard home insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. While home insurance may cover water damage from damaged pipes, it won’t cover damage from overland flooding. In light of this, if you live in a flood-risk area, consider buying a stand-alone flood insurance policy.
Home insurance only covers the house
The policy covers your house and the contents too. If your home has detached structures, they are covered as well at an additional premium. Moreover, home insurance provides liability protection and pays for additional living expenses when your house becomes uninhabitable.
Home insurance covers medical expenses
For your information, home insurance covers medical bills for guests that get hurt on your property. If you or your family member get injured, the policy does not cover the medical expenses.
Home insurance is not worth the expense
Imagine your entire home investment going down in just one event! Something you have worked so hard for years. How do you start saving for another home? If you hear someone saying that home insurance isn’t worth it, just think about the thousands of dollars you have put in your home.
Home insurance at League City, TX
You cannot exhaust the myths of home insurance. Every day new ones are coming up. In case you encounter conflicting information about home insurance, seek advice from a trusted insurance agent. If you are in League City, TX, look no further than ACU Insurance Services. We got you covered for all the matters to do with your home insurance.